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Why is it important to have "WHY"?

Hey Mitra, did you smile today? If not then, let me give you a reason to: You are the chosen one to live this beautiful life, once and for all! Ahh, hope that worked, Let's start our talk.


An illustration 

If I go on telling you that "Why" is such a magnificent word which can turn the "impossible" into "I'm possible". Would you believe me? Maybe not, so let me illustrate to you a scenario to keep my point in a  clear manner. 

Imagine yourself sitting on your couch, watching Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah and you suddenly start to crave for your favourite samosa as the Zomato ad pops us in the break. You just think of going to  Ratan's Samosa Shop which is just 100m away from your home.  But it's raining heavily outside. Would you step outside and get some samosas or continue watching TV (cursing Zomato)? When asked to a group of students, 97% of them agreed to stay at home while the remaining were hardcore samosa lovers.

Now imagine yourself in the same scenario, just this time your parents are waiting for you at the railway station 4 Km away from your home as they have just arrived from the village. Would you still stick to plan B or head off to the railway station? I think the answer is quite obvious (Baad mn chappal thodi na khani hai). 99% of the students voted for Railway Station.(Baaki 1% ko Bhagwan bachayein)

How "WHY" can help us?

In the above-mentioned scenarios, the railway station is 4 Km away while Ratan's Samosa shop is 500 m away, heavy rain being common in both. Even though Railway Station is 4 km away 99% of students chose to vote for it as there was a strong "WHY" associated with their action. On asking them what if they catch a cold or do not find appropriate means of transport to reach the Railway Station; they told their goal was still greater than these obstacles. 

We all may sometimes get tired of the work we are doing or the amount of hard work we are required to put in and some other obstacles which may be hindering our paths. Just try answering these simple questions right then: 

Are these obstacles worth the energy I am giving them? 

Aren't my dreams bright enough to outshine every minute hindrance in my path? 

It's you who has to choose between Samosa and Railway Station.

Any "HOW"  becomes possible if you have got big enough "WHY"


What's your "WHY" to live? Is it becoming an IAS or it is that Manali trip you're planning with your friends? Is it the smile on the face of your parents or that red blush on that special friend's face? Is it that sweet rasogulla or spicy golgappa? Is it your revolutionary dreams or your true zeal to fulfill them? I would choose all of the above!

Failures are pillars to success

Dear Reader, don't let the circumstances fool you about your potential, don't let your valuable dreams kneel in front of these temporary obstacles. Let's have the best "WHY" to live this amazing life and do let me know in the comment section. Feedback will be most welcoming!✨



  1. I agree with u "fear kills more dreams than failure ever will" and yess for me, a smile on my mother's face is much more important than anything else.

    Your slogan

  2. Let's turn this mutual agreement into something amazing. All set Slogan...?


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