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Showing posts from June, 2021

Are we happy enough?

 Hey Mitra! how's everything? What was that hilarious thing that made you laugh absurdly today? Who was the person who filled your day with all the love in the world just by a small act of kindness? Let me reverse the question how many lives did you fill with positivity or humbleness today ? If the answer is none, then this blog may have something to add  to your life. Let me share with you an interesting event that just took place. Two children were playing a game which they called "How many". Rules were simple, one had to ask the questions by adding "how many" like, " how many planets are there in our solar system ?" Another had to answer. The game was quite interesting  and suddenly a question appeared "how many muscles does it take to smile?" The child seeking the answer smiled curiously and tried to locate all the muscles involved in smiling right then at the moment and his friend helped him too in a manner like," ohh look, there

Be friend with yoga

Our lives had already been messed up and tired while corona virus added fuel to fire. In this global pandemic and amidst all the tensions and worries don't forget to revive yourself  up. What could be better occasion then international yoga day itself to make your life less troublesome and actually get a life! What is yoga? Yoga is very ancient practice in itself and it truly explains that it comes from Sanskrit Language. Yoga simply means unification of mental, physical and spiritual elements of life. It aims at connecting us with nature and establish peace and calmness within ourselves. The whole theory of Yoga is to go beyond the mind.  Swami Vivekananda But rather than just being a practice, it is a habit which had been followed from like some thousand years in India. It's quite unfortunate that when people across the world are accepting the merits of Yoga, netizens of India seem to lack interest in the heritage of their own nation. Ironic?! Yeah. Yoga and its origin Nama

Diversity in India

Enriching Diversity of India What's the first thing which strikes your mind when you first hear the word India ? Or a slogan Jai Hind or Vande Matram ? this was the first question which came to my mind before writing this post. I am sure each one of us would be having a unique sensation and feeling about our beloved nation, for some it might be Saffron coloured sacrifice of our freedom fighters, for some it may be the Green colored Natural beauty and others might find it in the White peace our nation has carried all over the world for such a long period of time. Yet there are further more ways in which our nation can be glorified. This is what is meant by the term diversity, a state of being unique or varied as our opinions are diversity. As you might have got a glimpse of what diversity is i.e, it is a state of being varied like if we just step outside our home just a bit we will find people having different occupations belonging to different places like one might be from Naga

Why is Ethical Hacking gaining so much popularity across the world

  Ahhh! You must have watched one of those movies where a witty guy breaks into a server and extracts the most vulnerable information with just some clicks and code and we say system is hacked ! Ofcourse, it is not as easy as it appears and breaking into any system without permission is illegal but what if I tell you large tech giants may pay you good enough for breaching in! What is Ethical Hacking Break the stereotypes that Hackers are conventionally bad guys who run after a system to create misery and havoc. Ethical Hacking can be understood as breaching in the system using its vulnerability with the permission of the system owner.  Ethical Hacking helps in improving the vulnerabilities of the system by stating the weak  areas of the server and suggesting the ways to improve it. So, Ethical Hackers are good guys who can help you find some major bugs in the server and append it to make the server even stronger.   Types of Hackers Black Hat Hacker Black hat hackers are the bad guys wh